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Jaimie Alexander is starring in Blindspot and doing a fantastic job at it. Refreshingly, Flockhart is playing her as a close to normal human. Secondly, Laura Benanti who is playing both Kara’s kind mother and evil aunt is killing it!įinally, I was fearful from the previews that Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) would be a horrible, overwrought caricature. Super heroes are not supposed to be cute, but I’m voting to let this one be cute while she’s growing into her powers. She’s fresh and enthusiastic and naive and so damn cute. I know, this has nothing to do with the show, but I’m sick of long hair.įirst, Melissa Benoist is fabulous as our newest super hero. The trend toward super long hair like Melissa Benoist is wearing in the show has gone on too long. I’m happy to see a short hair cut on Chyler Leigh in Supergirl. Today’s topic is the women of the new TV series for fall 2015. A brain dump is a series of short thoughts on a variety of subjects.

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